INFOGRAPHIC: Energy-Saving Tips for College Students
INFOGRAPHIC: Energy-Saving Tips for College Students
College can be overwhelming at times, but being energy-efficient at home doesn’t have to be. Small changes like switching out light bulbs and showerheads can make a big difference.
LED and CFL bulbs use 25 to 80 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and switching showerheads to newer, low-flow models can save up to 5 gallons of water each time you bathe.
Eliminating “vampire appliances” in your home can also help to create a more energy-efficient environment. These appliances can drain energy even when not in use. Make sure to unplug chargers when you’re not using them and consider using a power strip to manage your electronics. These small hacks not only conserve energy, they save you money.
If you’re looking to kick it up a notch, investing in ENERGY STAR-certified appliances might be an option you’d like to consider because they use less energy than traditional appliances.
Embrace natural light and air by drawing back your curtains and opening your windows in the early morning and late evening hours to help heat or cool your home.
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