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10 Ways To Conserve Electricity Right Now

On hot summer days when electricity demand peaks, state officials and Southern California Edison may call for voluntary reductions in electricity use. 

Follow these steps below to quickly reduce your electricity usage:

  1. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.
  2. Keep windows and doors closed during the heat of the day to prevent the loss of cooled air.
  3. Tilt blinds up and close drapes and shades on windows that receive direct sunlight.
  4. Run a ceiling fan while your air conditioner is on (when you’re at home), which will allow you to raise your thermostat about 4 degrees while experiencing the same level of comfort.
  5. Postpone using major appliances like dishwashers and washer/dryers.
  6. Minimize how often you open your refrigerator or freezer.
  7. Cook with your grill or microwave to keep your home cooler.
  8. Close your blinds to keep out the afternoon heat.
  9. Turn off unnecessary lights.
  10. On hot afternoons, consider leaving home, adjusting your thermostat to 85 degrees or higher, and going someplace cool like the pool or the library

Flex Alert is an urgent call by state officials to Californians to immediately conserve electricity and to shift demand to off-peak hours, usually after 6 p.m. Save Power Days is a program offered by SCE where customers can earn up to $100 in bill credits annually when they voluntarily reduce their electricity usage between 2-6 p.m. Both Flex Alerts and Save Power Days can be activated on the same days. 

SCE also offers rebates and incentives on energy-efficient appliances for your home.