What’s the Difference? Flex Alert, Save Power Days, Summer Discount Plan
Summer heat can put a strain on electrical grids, so California state officials and Southern California Edison may look to customers to conserve energy during periods of high energy demand.
State officials may call a Flex Alert, which is a voluntary effort to conserve energy during peak afternoon hours. SCE also offers two programs to promote conservation on hot days when energy use spikes: Save Power Days and the Summer Discount Plan. Both of our programs offer bill credits to customers who participate, but there are some key differences.
It is possible for a Flex Alert, Save Power Day, and Summer Discount Plan event to be called on the same day. See a breakdown of the three below.
Flex Alert
A Flex Alert is issued by state officials from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and it’s a completely voluntary effort to help conserve energy. The system operator issues a state-wide Flex Alert when the grid is under stress to meet demand from generation or transmission outages, or from persistent hot temperatures.
During a Flex Alert, residents are urged to reduce their energy use during the late afternoon when electricity demand peaks.
Simple conservation tips include:
- Setting your thermostat at 78 or higher and turn off, if away
- Cooling your home with fans and window drapes
- Turning off unnecessary lights and appliances
- Using major appliances in the early morning or late evening
Save Power Days
Save Power Days is a voluntary program available for residential customers.
By enrolling in the program, you can earn up to $100 in bill credits annually by reducing electricity usage between 2-6 p.m. when Save Power Days events are called.
Participation is voluntary and there’s no penalty for not reducing energy usage. However, the more energy you save during a Save Power Day, the more bill credits you can earn.
Summer Discount Plan
When you enroll in the Summer Discount Plan, you save by voluntarily allowing us to shut down your air conditioner for up to 6 hours a day during “energy events” we may call during periods of high electricity demand, or emergencies.
We supply and install a device on your home or central air conditioning unit to remotely shut it off during energy events.