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Steer Clear of Scammers

SCE urges customers to stay vigilant against new and evolving scams.

Only one month into 2025 and scammers have already tried to swindle nearly 100 Southern California Edison customers out of money.

Many fraudsters try to take advantage of customers by impersonating SCE in hopes of receiving a payment.

SCE takes customer privacy seriously and makes every effort to protect personal information and urges everyone to stay vigilant.

Some of the scams lurking around include:

  • Urgency Scams – A scammer calls demanding payment, stresses urgency and discourages you from verifying with others.
  • Discount Scams – A scammer calls and states that you have a past due bill and offers a discount if you pay them over the phone.
  • Fake Edison Website - A new scam using a fake utility website is targeting customers trying to pay their bill online. Use only trusted websites.
  • Prepaid Cards – A scammer calls and directs you to a store to have you buy a prepaid card and tells the customer not to let the clerk know it is for a utility bill.
  • Barcode Scam – The customer is sent a barcode via text or email and told to send money through the barcode.

“If you get a call from a scammer, tell them you're busy and ask for a call back number,” said Paige, an SCE Information Governance representative. “By pausing and hanging up, you have time to verify the calls legitimacy. Do not let fraudsters rush you into falling for their con.”

After ending the call with a suspected scammer, report it to SCE at sce.com/scamalert.

As a reminder:

  •  SCE will never demand credit card information over the phone.
  •  SCE does not take prepaid Visa cards, Bitcoin or Zelle.
  •  SCE will not remove your meter.
  •  SCE does not have a disconnection department.
  •  Edison employees cannot take any forms of payments over the phone.

For more information on SCE’s commitment to protecting privacy, visit