SCE’s Online Courses Help Businesses Go Green
SCE’s Online Courses Help Businesses Go Green
Schools in the Visalia Unified School District are going green. Metal halide lights that used to light up gymnasiums have been replaced with energy-efficient LEDs with automated controls. Some sites have installed solar panels and electric vehicle owners will soon be able to use on-site vehicle chargers.
Energy-efficiency efforts at the school district are led by Kevin Mayes, the district’s safety and environmental coordinator, as well as other support staff. To help inform his energy decisions, the U.S. Navy veteran has been taking free courses at Southern California Edison’s Energy Education Center in nearby Tulare for the past 10 years.
Mayes is a regular at the center, having taken part in nearly 15 energy-efficiency courses offered by the utility, including online classes during the pandemic.
“As an energy manager, the courses at Edison have helped impact day-to-day operations and have provided insight to decision-makers on how to use our equipment efficiently and effectively throughout the school district,” said Mayes, a former lead II electrician with the Visalia Unified School District. “My colleagues and I have all gained valuable knowledge and educational resources through SCE’s educational opportunities.”
Mayes, along with other Visalia Unified School District staff members, are responsible for the building operation systems throughout the district. From courses about HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) units, water pumps for irrigation, to solar and VFDs (variable frequency drives), the staff has learned about energy-efficient technology and how to reduce their energy bills.
“These courses have helped us lower our energy bills and meet our energy-efficiency needs, reducing where we can,” he said. “Ideally these courses are a way to understand how to run our equipment efficiently.”
Mayes noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, courses offered at the center around ventilation have helped them meet ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) requirements as most teachers and some kids up to sixth grade have returned to on-site learning.
“The Visalia Unified School District is a big consumer of electricity out here in the Central Valley,” said Dustin Johnson, SCE manager of the Energy Education Center in Tulare, who used to work with Mayes at the school district. “We are helping them run more efficiently, allowing them to keep costs down.”
He added: “They are certainly ahead of some schools in terms of energy-efficiency upgrades. They remain very mindful of their overall energy consumption and pay close attention to the electrical demands of their facilities.”
Local businesses, especially those in the nearby agricultural industry, often stop by to take courses at the center. Electricians, HVAC technicians and lighting engineers also often attend the courses.
“Our free, educational courses help customers better understand energy consumption and maintain a competitive advantage in their industry,” said Johnson.
SCE’s Energy Education Centers are currently temporarily closed to ensure the health and safety of customers. For more information, visit:
To sign up for an online course, click here.