SCE Lineworkers Safely Continue Essential Work

There are almost 75,000 electrical lineworkers in the United States. And they help power homes and businesses across the United States, essential work that continues during the coronavirus pandemic.
July 10 is National Lineworker Appreciation Day and Southern California Edison honors its men and women who continue to safely provide electricity to 15 million people across a 50,000-square-mile service area.
This July 10, #ThankaLineworker.
California was the first to designate July 10 as Lineman Appreciation Day, largely due to the efforts of IBEW Local 47 and Vacaville Local 1245.
The day was chosen to honor the legacy of Henry Miller, one of the founders of the IBEW, on the anniversary of his passing. Miller was one of the original delegates to gather in St. Louis in 1891 to form the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Below are pictures of SCE lineworkers making repairs and upgrades to electrical equipment throughout the service territory. On July 10, friends and family of lineworkers are encouraged to post pictures and messages on social media using the hashtag #thankalineworker.