Hidden Dangers of Bill Sharing

SCE offers tips on how customers can protect finances and friendships.
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Hidden Dangers of Bill Sharing

SCE offers tips on how customers can protect finances and friendships.

In today’s digital world, it’s easier than ever to share expenses with friends, family, roommates and even strangers. Beneath the surface lurks a hidden danger: bill-sharing fraud.

Imagine the shock you might feel upon discovering that the trust you placed in someone has been shattered by financial deceit — and you’re stuck with the tab.

What can you do? Southern California Edison offers some tips for how to protect yourself and steps to take if you find yourself in this situation.

What to Be Aware of

Living together in a shared space comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. One of these is the shared responsibility for energy bills.

Managing utility expenses can sometimes be complex, especially when multiple people are involved. It is important to know that when several adults share a home, they all are equally accountable for making sure energy bills are paid, regardless of how much each person uses and even if their name isn’t on the bill.

Everyone sharing a space should have a clear, written agreement on how utility bills will be split. This can help avoid any misunderstandings or disputes down the line and ensure everyone pays their fair share.

Ideally, everyone using electricity at home understands their shared responsibility. However, if that is not the case, SCE offers the tips below to protect yourself.

Tips for Bill Sharing

  • Encourage Transparency: Ask for a copy of the bill each month to verify the amount and show the bill is being paid. This ensures transparency and helps avoid any misunderstandings about the cost. Ask to share the login information if you are sharing the utility bill.

  • Ensure Timeliness of Bill Payments: Keep communication open and make sure that your roommate pays the bill on time to avoid late fees or risk disconnection of service.

  • Have a Backup Plan: If your roommate forgets to pay the bill or if there are any issues, make sure you have a plan B. This could involve setting a reminder to check that the bill has been paid or setting aside emergency funds to cover the bill, if needed.

  • Pay Attention to Red Flags: Possible red flags to be aware of include late notices or warnings of service disconnections.

What to Do if You Are a Victim of a Scam

If you think you are a victim of this type of scam, call SCE for assistance. SCE offers many ways to help with your bill. You can also report the details by filling out SCE’s online fraud form or sending an email to csinfogov@sce.com. You can also report the scam to the FTC at reportfraud.ftc.gov.

Reminder: SCE does not take payments over the phone and does not accept Zelle, Bitcoin or prepaid cards.

By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim. Don't allow the hidden dangers of bill-sharing fraud to overshadow the benefits of financial collaboration.

Remember, your financial security is in your hands.

To learn more about SCE’s programs to help residential customers manage their bills, visit sce.com/billhelp.