Q: What is this rate case’s impact on customers’ electricity bills?
If SCE’s request is approved in full, the average monthly bill would increase for residential customers by about $17 in 2025, and about $5 each year thereafter through 2028.
SCE’s lower-income customers enrolled in bill assistance programs like California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance would see smaller increases. For example, a residential customer’s average monthly bill would increase by about $12 in 2025, $3 in 2026 and 2027, and $4 in 2028.
Q: When would changes to the bill take place?
Bill impacts would take effect after the CPUC issues its final decision in this proceeding and SCE subsequently updates its rates; the earliest customers would see bill impacts would be Jan. 1, 2025.
Q. What will the requested funds be used for?
SCE’s request would invest in continued electric grid improvements, resulting in fewer unplanned power outages and faster service restoration when outages occur.
Among dozens of other critical initiatives, it would also support:
- Necessary work to strengthen the electric grid’s ability to withstand extreme weather conditions and, in doing so, increase public and worker safety.
- Needed expansion in grid capacity as more residential and business customers increase their reliance on electricity from clean, renewable sources and reduce fossil fuel usage.
- Grid modernization and upgrades by replacing aging infrastructure.
Prior GRC investments delivered significant customer benefits, including:
- Reducing wildfire risk associated with SCE infrastructure by 75%-80% since 2018.
- Helping California avoid rotating outages by bringing 2,000 MW of emissions-free energy storage online.
- 71% fewer power interruptions on circuits with coated wire; 53% fewer tree-caused power interruptions due to tree removals.
Q. Why is Edison requesting rate increases when so many customers are challenged with rising bills of all kinds?
Rate increases are difficult yet research shows that customers’ need for reliable, uninterrupted electric service is expected to grow faster in the next few years than it has over the past 20 years, driven in large part by customer adoption of clean energy technologies such as electric vehicles, battery storage and electric heat pumps.
In addition, threats to reliability are more frequent, intense and complex – this includes impacts from extreme weather such as catastrophic wildfires, prolonged heat waves as well as wind or precipitation events, and from cyber and physical attacks. Investments are needed to strengthen protection against these threats.
While electric bills may rise in the near term, total household energy expenses – including electricity, natural gas and gasoline/diesel – are expected to decrease as customers adopt more clean energy technology and reduce their use of fossil fuels.
Q. Why can’t SCE postpone some of its work to help make bills more manageable?
Many of the essential projects planned by SCE require long lead times to complete, often five years or longer. As customers adopt more electric technologies – such as electric vehicles, heat pumps and battery storage – SCE must prepare the electric grid ahead of growing customer needs so it can continue providing reliable service.
SCE’s GRC request balances the need to keep customer bills manageable with the need to continue improving the electric grid’s reliability, resilience and readiness to meet customer needs today and in the coming years.
Q. What kind of bill assistance is available to customers?
Customers can use many SCE programs and tools to save energy and money – including Demand Response programs (such as the Summer Discount Program and Smart Energy Program), online Budget Assistant and Rate Plan Comparison tools, rebates and incentives on energy-saving products and services, assistance for customers using electric-powered medical devices for life support, and more.
Q: Can customers participate in the rate case?
Yes. Hearing from customers is an important and valued part of the rate case process. Customers are welcome and encouraged to attend public participation hearings the commission will schedule across SCE’s service area in 2024 (For information, visit www.cpuc.ca.gov). Customers are also represented throughout the proceeding by the CPUC's Public Advocates Office and consumer advocacy organizations.
Learn more: General Rate Case Fact Sheet