INFOGRAPHIC: How to Stay Cool Without an A/C
INFOGRAPHIC: How to Stay Cool Without an A/C
Hot summer days sometimes don’t revolve around hanging by a pool or beach. If you’re at home and want to escape the scorching heat, we have some tips to help you stay cool without an air conditioner.
Here is a list of easy and creative ways you can stay cool at home or around town if you don't have an air conditioner.
Visit your local library: Use the Wi-Fi, listen to a podcast or read a book. Libraries have great activities for the kids too.
Head to a cool center: Grab a book, magazine or your laptop and visit your nearest air-conditioned cool center.
Go window shopping: Walking around the mall can help you pass the time and most have an indoor playground for the kids.
Fan circulation: Change the settings on your fan so it turns counter-clockwise. This will help circulate the air downward.
Cotton sheets in the fridge: Put your sheets in a sealed plastic bag and freeze or refrigerate them for a few minutes for a cool night's sleep.
Take a shower: A shower can help cool you down. Let your hair air-dry to maximize your cooling period.
DIY air conditioner: Put ice in a pan or bowl in front of a fan to create a cooling mist.
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