Jan. 31, 2025
In its story, “Edison denied causing destructive 2017 fire. Feds now believe utility suppressed evidence," the Los Angeles Times published false claims from plaintiffs’ attorneys that Southern California Edison deliberately withheld evidence from investigators from a fire that occurred more than seven years ago.
Here are the facts:
Edison strongly denies claims by plaintiffs’ counsel of evidence suppression. SCE has also denied that its equipment caused the fire and is working through the proper court process to address these claims.
The initial report from investigators found Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Red Tower to be the cause of the 2017 Creek Fire — not SCE’s equipment. On Dec. 15, 2017, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) lifted all restrictions on work SCE needed to perform in that area, and Cal Fire did not require SCE to retain any materials in those areas. The initial US Forest Service report, issued in January 2018, made clear that LADWP’s tower was the source of ignition.
The lead investigator testified that he did not believe it was necessary to review SCE’s electrical records prior to issuing his finding that LADWP equipment caused the Creek Fire. Instead, he signed the report in January 2018, which was approximately three months before SCE even sent over the electrical records. Moreover, he admitted that he never followed up with SCE and never reviewed the records before 2024.
It is also disappointing to see the Los Angeles Times try to stretch the truth and draw parallels between the 2017 Creek Fire and the current wildfires.
At this time, the causes of the 2025 wildfires across the region remain unknown, and SCE is committed to a thorough and transparent investigation. While we continue to support ongoing response and restoration efforts, our teams continue to work with authorities and investigators.